Case studies
Due Diligence
Leadership & Organization
International Development
Project type : International build-up
Sector : B2B software
Client : SME with a turnover of €40m
Geographical scope : North America, South America, Asia, Africa and Middle East
Number of interviews conducted :
40 interviews in Africa, Europe, Asia, North America, South America and the Middle East
Project length : 13 weeks
Project type : Hypergrowth strategy
Sector : B2B Electronics
Client : MSC of €400m of turnover
Geographical scope : France, Europe, Maghreb
Number of interviews conducted :
30 internal interviews + 50 external interviews in 14 countries
Project length : 12 weeks
International Development
Client challenge
– In order to prepare its next €30m fundraising round, a first step towards a future IPO, our client needed to build a pipeline of potential acquisition targets in Europe and the US
– Our client was also interested in identifying the most relevant companies and targets which would have been detrimental if acquired by a competitor
Neovian Partners solution
– In six market segments complementary to those of the client, Neovian Partners built and qualified a pipeline of over 1,000 companies in Europe and North America
– Through a series of quantitative and qualitative filters, a first list of some fifty acquisition targets was drawn up, among which a small number of companies represented the “must-have” companies
This very complete and well-documented acquisition pipeline enabled our client to raise €30m and two years later be acquired by Adobe for $600m.
Client challenge
– Understand the historical positioning and business model which were under threat
– Determine the changes to be implemented over the next 5 years in order to adapt the business model, become the French market leader and increase profitability
Neovian Partners solution
– Neovian Partners conducted an internal and external analysis of the company, analysed the global market, talked to current and potential customers in key market segments to understand their future needs and identify better ways to support them and meet their needs
– A series of workshops and creative brainstorming sessions were conducted to help management teams think outside their comfort zone
– The company adapted its business model and its offer by providing higher value-added services
– The company multiplied its turnover by 6 (from €65m to €400m)
Case studies
International Development
Project type : International build-up
Sector : B2B software
Client : SME with a turnover of €40m
Geographical scope : North America, South America, Asia, Africa and Middle East
Number of interviews conducted :
40 interviews in Africa, Europe, Asia, North America, South America and the Middle East
Project length : 13 weeks
Project type : Hypergrowth strategy
Sector : B2B Electronics
Client : MSC of €400m of turnover
Geographical scope : France, Europe, Maghreb
Number of interviews conducted :
30 internal interviews + 50 external interviews in 14 countries
Project length : 12 weeks