Neovian Partners concluded the Strategic Due Diligence of Sensas, manufacturer of recreational fishing equipment, on behalf of UI Investissement

Neovian Partners concluded the Strategic Due Diligence of Sensas, manufacturer of recreational fishing equipment, on behalf of UI Investissement

Paris, September 9th, 2022. The strategy consulting firm Neovian Partners has supported UI Investissement by carrying out the buy-side Strategic Due Diligence on Sensas, manufacturer of recreational fishing equipment.

Founded in 1963 and commercially present in over 20 European countries, Sensas is a group specialised in the manufacture of recreational fishing equipment, which achieved a turnover of €28.5 million and an EBITDA of €3.5 million in 2021, realising 32.2% of its turnover in the groundbaits segment, 22.5% on fishing rods and 18.8% on lures.

Neovian Partners conducted a strategic review of the company and its markets, particularly by analysing the depth and the dynamics of the freshwater and saltwater fishing markets, the competitive environment and the demand trends by product category. Neovian Partners has also highlighted the importance of developing a high-performing multichannel marketing strategy and establishing sponsorships with professional fishing champions to boost sales and reinforce competitiveness.

Neovian Partners’ team was led by Patrick Richer, Founding Partner and Leonid Dorogoï, Head of Lyon.

“ The great visibility of this established player on the European recreational fishing equipment market, its historical reputation and strong brand image on the freshwater fishing segment, as well as the quality of the products offered through its five trademarks (Sensas, Starbaits, Illex, Pezon&Michel and Gunki) reinforce Sensas’ growth perspectives over the next years. »

Patrick Richer, Partner

About Neovian Partners

Neovian Partners is a consulting firm specializing in the creation of tailored solutions in Strategy, Business Due Diligence, Strategic Screening and HR/Leadership, serving fast-growing investment funds, SMEs and MSCs. Based in Paris and Lyon with a team of about 30 consultants, Neovian Partners is also present internationally, with a network of partner firms with more than 500 employees in 21 countries. Neovian Partners is a generalist firm but with a particularly important project history in software, IT, Internet, Industry, Health and MedTechs, as well as in many niche sectors. More information on :

Neovian Partners advised Cegid on its acquisition of Notilus, editor of Travel & Expense management solutions

Neovian Partners advised Cegid on its acquisition of Notilus, editor of Travel & Expense management solutions

Lyon, July 4th, 2022. The strategy consulting firm Neovian Partners has advised Cegid on its acquisition of Notilus, a company specialised in the edition of Travel & Expense management solutions.

Created in 1997, Notilus is a software editor of Travel & Expense management solutions, generating €14.4 million of revenues in 2021, 76% of them being based on recurrent billing via SaaS subscriptions. Initially integrated into the Dimo Software group (itself created in 1995), Notilus carried out its carve-out in 2019.

The mission of Neovian Partners consisted in supporting Cegid’s M&A and Strategy & Corporate Development teams, by quantifying and analysing the dynamics of the French Travel & Expense management solutions market, its demand characteristics (segmentation, purchasing process, customer loyalty, key purchasing criteria, etc.) and its competitive environment (market players overview, differentiation, key success factors, customer and competitor feedback on Notilus, etc.), as well as the strategic rationale behind the acquisition.

The buy-side Strategic Due Diligence was led by Patrick Richer, Founding Partner and Leonid Dorogoï, Head of Lyon.

“ We had the unique opportunity to advise Cegid, a flourishing group achieving double digit like-for-like growth over the last years, on its acquisition of Notilus. The quantification and analysis of the French Travel & Expense management solutions market and the deep evaluation of its competitive landscape has enabled Neovian Partners to highlight the acquisition rationales. By acquiring a company among the Top 3 market leaders, Cegid will benefit from the perspectives of the new and high-potential segment of Travel & Expense management software, by completing its already broad offer of solutions. »

Patrick Richer, Partner

About Neovian Partners

Neovian Partners is a consulting firm specializing in the creation of tailored solutions in Strategy, Business Due Diligence, Strategic Screening and HR/Leadership, serving fast-growing investment funds, SMEs and MSCs. Based in Paris and Lyon with a team of about 30 consultants, Neovian Partners is also present internationally, with a network of partner firms with more than 500 employees in 21 countries. Neovian Partners is a generalist firm but with a particularly important project history in software, IT, Internet, Industry, Health and MedTechs, as well as in many niche sectors. More information on :

Neovian Partners assisted Sparring Capital in their investment in Génie Flexion, provider of hydraulic hoses and fittings repair services

Neovian Partners assisted Sparring Capital in their investment in Génie Flexion, provider of hydraulic hoses and fittings repair services

Paris, May 19th, 2022. The strategy consulting firm Neovian Partners supported Sparring Capital in their investment in Génie Flexion, provider of hydraulic hoses and fittings repair services.

Created in 2001, Génie Flexion, a group specialised in the repair of hydraulic hoses and fittings, achieved a turnover of €16.3m in 2021 thanks to its network of 14 agencies and 97 intervention vehicles. Currently present in the North of France (Île-de-France, Hauts-de-France and Normandy), Génie Flexion aims to strengthen its activity in these regions and develop in the East, through the expansion of its intervention vehicles/points of sale/repair mixed business model.

Beyond the analysis of the French market of hydraulic hoses and fittings repair services, its underlying markets’ dynamics and the competitive landscape, the Strategic Due Diligence carried out by Neovian Partners successfully fulfilled the objective of apprehending the robustness of Génie Flexion’s business model and its growth perspectives over the next years, especially from an external growth and a regional development point of view.

Neovian Partners’ team was led by Patrick Richer, Founding Partner and Leonid Dorogoï, Head of Lyon.

“ We were delighted to support Sparring Capital in this operation. Génie Flexion, established provider of hydraulic hoses and fittings repair services, has a well-performing hybrid business model including fleet of vehicles and counters, which seems to us to be the most relevant, in a context of strong development of the fleet model and proven customer interest in having an additional point of sale/repair offer. Operating in a deep market, Génie Flexion has numerous growth levers to activate over the next years in terms of talent management, digitalisation, development of preventive maintenance, external growth… »

Patrick Richer, Partner

About Neovian Partners

Neovian Partners is a consulting firm specializing in the creation of tailored solutions in Strategy, Business Due Diligence, Strategic Screening and HR/Leadership, serving fast-growing investment funds, SMEs and MSCs. Based in Paris and Lyon with a team of about 30 consultants, Neovian Partners is also present internationally, with a network of partner firms with more than 500 employees in 21 countries. Neovian Partners is a generalist firm but with a particularly important project history in software, IT, Internet, Industry, Health and MedTechs, as well as in many niche sectors. More information on :

Neovian Partners concluded the Strategic Due Diligence of ÉPHIE on behalf of Albarest Partners

Neovian Partners concluded the Strategic Due Diligence of ÉPHIE on behalf of Albarest Partners

Lyon, May 16th, 2022. The strategic consulting firm Neovian Partners supported Albarest Partners in their investment in ÉPHIE Industries, an industrial group manufacturing metal accessories for numerous segments and bottle caps for luxury companies.

ÉPHIE Industries is a group composed of two merged companies: EAC and GRAINDORGE. Founded in 1992, EAC is specialised in the design and manufacture of metal accessories, especially for the footwear, leather goods, swimwear, lingerie and luxury markets. Founded in 1928, GRAINDORGE is specialised in the electroplating of plastic or metallic parts.

Neovian Partners has analysed the European offer of Zamak alloy (zinc, aluminium, magnesium and sometimes copper) in the premium cosmetics packaging field and its development perspectives over the next years (creation of a European Zamak pole, buying process and key purchasing criteria, alternative solutions, supply difficulties, etc.).

The team was led by Patrick Richer, Founding Partner and Leonid Dorogoï, Head of Lyon.

“ It was a pleasure for us to support Albarest Partners in their investment in Éphie Industries. Although packaging specialists have lately faced shortage of raw materials, supplying difficulties and relatively limited level of customer orders, Éphie Industries managed to handle these points thanks to the quality of its management, its premium positioning, and its strong brand image. In the future, the group’s expertise should find applications in a large number of sectors related to high-value parts/sub-assemblies. »

Patrick Richer, Partner

About Neovian Partners

Neovian Partners is a consulting firm specializing in the creation of tailored solutions in Strategy, Business Due Diligence, Strategic Screening and HR/Leadership, serving fast-growing investment funds, SMEs and MSCs. Based in Paris and Lyon with a team of about 30 consultants, Neovian Partners is also present internationally, with a network of partner firms with more than 500 employees in 21 countries. Neovian Partners is a generalist firm but with a particularly important project history in software, IT, Internet, Industry, Health and MedTechs, as well as in many niche sectors. More information on :

Neovian Partners accompagne Calcium Capital dans leur investissement au sein de Cler Verts

Neovian Partners accompagne Calcium Capital dans leur investissement au sein de Cler Verts

Paris, le 5 janvier 2022 Le cabinet de conseil en stratégie, leadership et développement Neovian Partners a accompagné le fonds d’investissement Calcium Capital en réalisant la Due Diligence Stratégique acheteur de Cler Verts, acteur français du marché de la collecte et de la valorisation des déchets verts, des biodéchets et des déchets de bois.

Fondé en 2003 et réalisant un chiffre d’affaires de l’ordre de 8m€, Cler Verts est un acteur majeur de la région Occitanie. Capable d’assurer la collecte, le tri et la valorisation des déchets, sur trois segments de déchets distincts et propriétaire d’une usine de méthanisation, Cler Verts dispose aujourd’hui d’une offre très complète qu’elle ambitionne encore d’étoffer dans les prochaines années en étudiant plusieurs pistes de diversification.

En sollicitant Neovian Partners, Calcium Capital souhaitait (1) préciser sa compréhension des enjeux et dynamiques du marché français du recyclage et de la valorisation des déchets, notamment au regard de la complexité et du caractère évolutif du cadre réglementaire, fondamental sur ce marché, (2) préciser le positionnement concurrentiel de Cler Verts sur la région Occitanie et (3) évaluer la pertinence des pistes de diversification identifiées par le management.

Neovian Partners a pu valider la solidité du positionnement de Cler Verts dans sa région eu égard à son excellente réputation, sa forte compétitivité sur les appels d’offres, sa capacité unique d’adaptation aux spécificités client lors de la collecte et la pertinence des partenariats noués.

“ Neovian Partners a également su mettre à profit, dans un délai très court, son expertise sur le marché de la transition énergétique, tiré par un cadre réglementaire conséquent et maîtrisé par nos équipes, qui a permis de déterminer avec précision les segments de marché qui sont les plus pertinents pour le groupe Cler Verts. L’expérience acquise sur les enjeux opérationnels permettant de soutenir la croissance ambitionnée nous a également permis de valider les choix du management, notamment sur la gestion complexe du transport et de l’excellence commerciale.

Patrick Richer, Président et Fondateur, Neovian Partners

La mission était conduite par Patrick Richer et Sélim Bouaïcha, Manager

A propos de Neovian Partners

Neovian Partners est un cabinet de conseil spécialisé dans la création de solutions sur mesure en Stratégie, Business Due Diligence, Screening stratégique et RH/Leadership, au service de fonds d’investissement, de PME et d’ETI en forte croissance.  Basé à Paris et à Lyon avec une équipe d’environ 40 consultants, Neovian Partners est également présent à l’international grâce à un réseau de cabinets partenaires fédérant plus de 500 collaborateurs dans 21 pays. Neovian Partners est un cabinet généraliste mais avec un historique de missions particulièrement important en logiciel, IT, Internet, Industrie, Santé et MedTechs, ainsi que sur de nombreux secteurs de niches. Plus d’informations sur :

Neovian Partners accompagne GENEO Capital Entrepreneur dans son investissement au sein de la société Piscines Magiline

Neovian Partners accompagne GENEO Capital Entrepreneur dans son investissement au sein de la société Piscines Magiline

Paris, le 11 mars 2021 Le cabinet de conseil en stratégie, leadership et développement Neovian Partners a accompagné le fonds d’investissement GENEO Capital Entrepreneur en réalisant la Due Diligence acheteur de Piscines Magiline, acteur français de référence du marché de la piscine.

Fondé en 1994, Piscines Magiline est un acteur historique de la fabrication de piscines enterrées en France. Concepteur et fabricant de modules de construction de bassins (technologie brevetée de structure modulaire béton), de liners et de systèmes de filtration (système NFX breveté), le groupe est également présent sur une large gamme d’accessoires et d’équipements de la piscine à l’image de son offre domotique étendue. En sollicitant Neovian Partners, GENEO Capital Entrepreneur souhaitait préciser sa compréhension des enjeux et dynamiques du marché français de la piscine enterrée, notamment dans un contexte covid ayant pu contribuer à gonfler le marché en 2020, préciser le positionnement concurrentiel de Piscines Magiline et ainsi évaluer ses capacités de gain de parts de marché en France. Neovian Partners a pu valider la solidité du positionnement de Piscines Magiline au sein de son marché eu égard à sa bonne réputation et à son image de fabricant de piscines innovant et de qualité, son maillage territorial, son offre exhaustive ainsi qu’une part de marché conséquente et un réseau de distribution étendu. Neovian Partners a également identifié la société comme étant l’un des leaders français du segment de la domotique sur un marché où les innovations destinées à améliorer la gestion automatisée des piscines grâce aux nouvelles technologies constituent un levier de croissance conséquent avec une demande de plus en plus soutenue.

“ Fortes de leur très bonne connaissance du marché français de la piscine, les équipes de Neovian Partners ont su, dans un délai très court, nous rassurer sur les quelques questions que nous avions, puis nous aider à construire une offre plus qualitative vue du management car s’appuyant sur une compréhension plus fine du positionnement concurrentiel de Magiline ainsi que de son potentiel de développement à moyen terme.

François Picarle, Directeur Associé, GENEO Capital Entrepreneur

La mission était conduite par Patrick Richer et Théo Petitjean 

A propos de Neovian Partners

Neovian Partners est un cabinet de conseil spécialisé dans la création de solutions sur mesure en Stratégie, Business Due Diligence, Screening stratégique et RH/Leadership, au service de fonds d’investissement, de PME et d’ETI en forte croissance.  Basé à Paris et à Lyon avec une équipe d’environ 40 consultants, Neovian Partners est également présent à l’international grâce à un réseau de cabinets partenaires fédérant plus de 500 collaborateurs dans 21 pays. Neovian Partners est un cabinet généraliste mais avec un historique de missions particulièrement important en logiciel, IT, Internet, Industrie, Santé et MedTechs, ainsi que sur de nombreux secteurs de niches. Plus d’informations sur :