Neovian Partners supports 21 Invest France in its investment in the Edukea group
Paris, 29 September 2021. Neovian Partners assisted the investment fund 21 Invest France in carrying out the HR Due Diligence of the Edukea Group.
The Edukea Group, managed by Christophe Caporossi, is specialised in training in natural health as well as human and animal welfare. Edukea was created as a training platform around ESO, the historical school of osteopathy.
The Group is now composed of three schools dedicated to health ESO Supostéo (Ecole Supérieure d’Ostéopathie), located in the Greater Paris area, is one of the leading osteopathic schools in Europe. IFOA (Institut de Formation d’Ostéopathes Animaliers Européen), based in Tarascon, is one of the pioneer schools in animal osteopathy and has opened training centres in Paris, Barcelona and Namur. The ESNAT (École Supérieure de Naturopathie) has just been created and will welcome its first class of students in October.
Neovian Partners provided its HR expertise and its education sector knowledge to conduct an organisational review of the group’s various entities. Leveraging its ability to align organisational issues with business challenges, Neovian’s teams defined an organisation for building of an optimised European platform.
“It was a pleasure to assist Edukea and 21 Invest France in this exciting project and to contribute to the shareholders’ objective of doubling the size of the group. “
Annick Kervella, Partner, Neovian Partners
Neovian team
Annick Kervella, Partner, Arnaud Francois, Manager and Paul Million, Consultant
About Neovian Partners
Neovian Partners is a consulting firm specializing in the creation of tailored solutions in Strategy, Business Due Diligence, Strategic Screening and HR/Leadership, serving fast-growing investment funds, SMEs and ETIs. Based in Paris and Lyon with a team of about 30 consultants, Neovian Partners is also present internationally, with a network of partner firms with more than 500 employees in 21 countries. Neovian Partners is a generalist firm with a particularly important mission history in software, IT, Internet, Industry, Health and MedTechs, as well as in many niche sectors. More information on : www.neovianpartners.com